There’s No Moment Too Small: Celebrate the Little Things
Most people will celebrate the big moments in life. Events such as birthdays, weddings, holidays and graduations are momentous occasions and are rightfully celebrated. But, who says that celebrations should only be limited to these milestones?
There are opportunities to celebrate the wonderful little things in life, all the time. Sometimes the big things wouldn’t have happened without the accumulation of smaller events along the way. For example, you may have reason to celebrate your child’s high school graduation because throughout their academic career they received good grades on school assignments and report cards.
Taking time to celebrate the little things is also an opportunity to create lasting memories with your loved ones. Years into the future, you and your family may not remember the exact reasons for all your small celebrations, but you will likely remember the joy of the festivities.
Here are eight “little things” or events that we think are worth celebrating:
- Your child received a good report card.
- After a visit to the dentist, your child is happy to report they have no cavities.
- Your child had a large assignment, such as a book report or class project, and they worked hard and met their deadline.
- A loved one learned a new skill.
- It’s the first day of school.
- It’s the last day of school.
- After a few days of poor weather, the sun is shining and the weather is beautiful.
- You finally paid off a debt (student loans, credit cards, etc.).
How do you celebrate the little things? What would you add to our list? Share your celebrations with us on our Facebook page.